Sunday, November 30, 2008

Eliezer and Rebecca

"it was Eliezer and Rebecca: the camels only were wanting (186)

Miss Ingram and Mr. Rochester were playing charades and the second scene seems to be a bridal scene like the first, but it is deceiving. The names Eliezer and Rebecca refer to Issac's story in the Genesis. In the Genesis Eliezer was sent by his master Abraham to find a wife for his son. He found Rebecca to marry Abraham's son, so Rebecca is not actually Eliezer's future wife as Miss Ingram is not going to marry Mr.Rochester. Mr.Rochester deceived Jane only to make her jealous in order for him to see if he can gain her love. The allusion to the Genesis foreshadows Mr.Rochester's intent.

~Ben-Chaim,Moshe. "Eliezer Testing Rebecca" Mesora. November 30, 2008.

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