Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Pilgrim's Progress

"His is the sternness of the warrior GreatHeart, who guards his pilgrim convoy from the onslaught of Apollyon." (460)

Charlotte Bronte is alluding to "The Pilgrims Progress" by John Bunyan. The second part of this book's hero was GreatHeart, a servant to an interpreter on a pilgrimage to the Celestial City. He shows his bravery by protecting his pilgrims from monsters and Apollyon, who is a dragon like angle of Hell. Apollyon has the literal meaning of destroyer. The second part of "The Pilgrims Progress" has women go on the pilgrimage which coul be why Bronte chose to compare St. John to Greatheart. St. John is stern and ambitious like Greatheart, and therefore too controlling to have taken Jane with him on his pilgrimage, beacause Jane is the leader of her own pilgrimage to Ferndean. Jane is an indepedent that does not allow a man such as St. John decide her future and what is best for her.

~H. C. Selous or M. Paolo Priolo "Critian's Combat With Apollyon" Bedfordshire Libraries. 16th October 2006, November 30, 2008.

~Silvestra Mariniello, Paul A. Bové."Gendered Agents" Google Book Search. 1998.November 30, 2008.

1 comment:

Xwing212 said...

very nice connections through out the annotations -- nice work overall; go through and see if you can be more specific with the literacy devices being employed and make sure Bronte consistently enters the conversation